A crabapple tree is beautiful when it is in full bloom. If your tree does not look so beautiful, however, this could be due to many things. To help you determine what is wrong, below are three common problems with crabapple trees.
Canker Sores
Canker sores, also known as botryosphaeria canker, will cause branches to die. Once the canker sores cause problems with branches you will see a visible fungus that grows in clusters. The fungus will grow on top of the branches, as well as under the bark.
If you live in a drought area and the tree is not watered properly it is more prone to canker sores. You can take care of this problem by installing an irrigation system.
There are no fungicides available that will treat or control canker sores. Instead, you must hire a tree service company to prune all affected branches as soon as you notice these sores. If you do not remove the affected branches the canker sores will spread, and it will kill your crabapple tree.
If the canker sores continue, ask the tree service company to remove the tree from your land. They can cut down the tree and remove the stump.
Crabapple Scab
Another common problem is crabapple scab. This shows up in the spring and looks like soft velvet and is an olive-green color. It will start out on the surface of flowers and foliage petals. Once this happens, the leaves will turn to yellow and drop prematurely to the ground. You will also start seeing the scabs growing on crabapples. Once the fungus gets on the apples, it will spread quickly. This is because the fungus scabs multiply within hours.
Fortunately, you can prevent crabapple scab by applying a fungicide. A natural fungicide will be best for your tree. This could be fixed copper or liquid lime sulfur. Apply this fungicide to the branches and leaves at the start of the growing season each year.
If your tree has crabapple scab, contact a tree service company. They have fungicides that will kill the spores to prevent them from spreading. You also need to ensure you rake all dropped flowers and leaves and bag them. Take the bagged leaves away from your home into an area that has no crabapple trees.
Crabapple Rust
Crabapple rust is another common problem you will find with this type of tree. This infection is easy to see as it causes yellow to orange spots on the leaves. If your tree has this problem, you need to spray it with a fungicide made to take care of this rust. You will need to apply this fungicide once a week until you notice new leaves and buds growing without the rust.
Crabapple rust will not damage your tree and it is an aesthetic problem. Still you want your tree to look good.
Many things can cause the rust from living in an area that is prone to this problem to the fungus spreading by wind to your trees from nearby affected trees.
Talk with a tree service company, like Schulhoff Tree & Lawn Care, Inc., about these issues and they can give you more information.