Have you recently moved to a new home? Does it have one or more trees on the property? While trees can be a beautiful addition to the land surrounding your home they can also be a pest that must be removed. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to tell when a tree has crossed the line from decoration to nuisance. In order to help you judge whether or not a particular tree should be cut down, here are some signs that you should be watching for:
Tree species: Some trees are naturally more destructive or more annoying than other trees. For instance, willows are an extremely thirsty species. Their roots will grow towards even the smallest indication of moisture. This might not seem like a problem until you realize that this includes older pipes that are starting to break down. Willows especially love sewer pipes. Sewer water is full of both moisture and nutrients that the tree wants. Even a tiny hole in the sewer line can result in expensive damage if the tree roots happen to find it. Another candidate for tree removal based on species alone is that of the Bradford pear. Not only does it produce fruit that humans can't eat and that is poisonous to dogs, the spring blooms have a revolting scent.
Tree age: Trees obviously don't age and die in quite the same way that humans do. You've almost certainly heard of trees living to be many hundreds of years old. But for many of the species that are found in the urban and suburban environment, age can play a deciding factor in whether or not tree removal is necessary. Older trees, especially trees that haven't been pruned properly, are more likely to start creaking and groaning when a wind blows through their branches. This noise can be an indication that parts of the tree are dead or dying and now pose a hazard to anyone below. A good pruning may set the tree right again, but you should prepare for the possibility that the whole tree must come out.
Insect damage: A healthy tree should have no insect damage. Whether the insects cause the tree to become unhealthy or whether they're drawn to an already unhealthy tree is generally immaterial. If not caught quickly, an infestation of any kind can quickly overwhelm a tree and kill it. Although some trees can be successfully treated for a termite or carpenter ant infestation and can recover, it may be easiest if you have a tree removal company take out the damaged tree and you plant a younger one nearby.
For more information or assistance, contact companies like Robert Jefferies Logging & Tree Service.